• 동서융합병원한방신경과 및통합재활소개
  • 소아간질과소아발당장애 클리닉 및 치료사례
  • 고객센터


  • 병원이용안내
  • 상담게시판

Patient and Visitor's Guide

Clinic Guide for overseas patients and visitors

- We recommend to submit a copy of note by Doctor or medical request in English together with Prescriptions of medication taking. If unavoidable, medical request in mother language will be acceptable.

- In case of patients from overseas, for the good sake of immediate and intensive results, patient must be ready to accept our instruction as below:

1. Patient must follow not only our chinese treatment instructions but also our medical instructions.

In other word, patient must accept even change of anticonvulsant or adjustment of their prescriptions. Without any doubt, there is apparently high synergy effect when chinese treatment therapy combined with general medial treatment and we are the only clinic who has specifications and can provide associated programs.

2.At the beginning, we recommend all patients " intensive inpatient program" which is to stay in our facilities for 24 hours or at least 6 hours a day in the period of two to three months.

It is to make sure of our treatment is effectively work for relevant patients. When is it confirmed, outpatient is accepted. We do not supply only outpatient treatment unless he/she has been confirmed by intensive treatment program first.

3.In-patient treatment program is intensive program to maximize its effectiveness in short period.

Therefore, we provide more herbal medication specially concentrated, more acupuncture operations and more physical treatments than for national patients who receive insurance coverage.