About Lennox gastaut syndrome (LGS) clinic and cases
Referring to all these cases, I could list here below specifics of improvement of LGS which we proceeded. I am now working on my thesis paper and will publish sooner or later, however, as it takes a time, I would like to begin hereby to share few information with parents of LGS children.
A developmental regression - a developmental status returns back to before onset
In case of RGS children, regression appears with onset of symptoms. It is common that children who was able to talk before, lost a word, children who was able to walk became to be disable to walk. In some severe case, children aged to go to elementary school regressed back to the level of before potty training.the control of convulsion - It is significant, but is not fully adjustable.
the control of convulsion - It is significant, but is not fully adjustable. Our RGS treatment strategy does not work directly as anticonvulsant therapy, but it improves brain nutritional metabolism through improved circulation disorders and malnutrition. It is indirect anticonvulsant therapy. Because of these characteristics our treatment works and responds favorably to RSG which does not react to anticonvulsantCognitive development is carried out continuously.
The cognitive impairment and behavioral disorders as well as the significant adjustment of convulsion are developed and improved continuously. The cognitive impairment and behavioral disorder is one of the biggest after-effect. We have the longest case of 7~8 years following up to shortly 2~3 years. In many cases that we follow up treatment certainly there was a progress in cognitive development together with behavioral development so as to enable them to go to school without trouble. The only thing is that it is not to the level of excellency.Considering all above I can say that our achievement in RGS treatment is really significant.
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Cases of major Lennox Gastaut Syndrom |
The patient is five years old when came to us first time, spring in May. Had a history of seizures when he was sick with encephalomeningitis. He was fine until year ago when his mother found his finger waged. It was beginning of spasm. Since then, there was more than 20 times of face convulsions (becoming rigid) per day, about 7 times of cataplexy (dropping head) a day, several times of the whole body tonic seizures a day and a persistent delirious state, a regression of cognitive and motor skills have been carried out.This is a typical symptom of lennox gastaut syndrome ("LGS" hereunder) that occurred bacterial meningitis is caused. Because of repeated times of epileptic seizures, overlapping symptoms appear and may appear intelligent retardation which is typical symptom of LGS. He was diagnosed by a syndrome called Lennox Gastaut Syndrome by EEG results in general hospitals in Seoul. In most case, the anticonvulsant does not response to LGS. It is out of control. This patient also took repeatedly various kind of anticonvulsant but it did not reduce convulsion. Even there was no response to steroid and Ketone diet eventually and so stopped treatment from hospital in six months. He was giving up hospital treatment and finally stopped to take anticonvulsant discretionally. Before he came up to our hospital, he had taken herbal treatment from somewhere for about 3 months, it seemed to be in a good condition but soon went back to original status. So he gave up even Chinese treatment.Examination results, hypo-dynamic condition of pulse and abdominal strength. It was almost not possible to do a normal check-up as the boy was conscious stupor and very spooky. As his hypodynamic condition was too severe, I prescribed our herbal anticonvulsant specified for very feeble children. I did not apply acupuncture on him to control his stress level as his annoyance was also too serious. We tried to persuade parents to take care of him by both herbal treatment and western hospital treatment together to avoid status epilepticus. It was not easy because parents did not trust medical treatment. Therefore, we negotiated with parents to give him only herbal treatment for a few months first and then will re- start to use anticonvulsant when we see the progress in the meantime. Fortunately, the results from herbal treatment comes right away. In first month, the frequency of spasms decreased by 30-40%. The grand mal convulsions reduced by once a day (it was several times a day before taking herbal treatment), but the degree of tonic seizures became little bit stronger . The most importance change was that the boy's distraction level was improved and became to be able to learn. It shows this boy was getting away from status epilepticus. In second month, the frequency of grand mal convulsions reduced by 2 times a week as well as partial convulsions reduced significantly. With this improvement, we re persuaded parents to use anticonvulsant together with herbal treatment. They were yet reluctant to use anticonvulsant as they did not get any good results from previous dose but decoded to re-try. In fact we have several cases in our clinic, after certain period of herbal treatment, when patient re try anticonvulsant it works even though it did not work before. The boy re-started to use small amount of Lamictal prescribed by one called regional university owned general hospital. He ever had used Lamictal and as there was no effect, the parents was skeptical.Since he has taken Lamictal together with our herbal medication, convulsions began to decrease rapidly. Degradation phenomena appeard only during sleep and was reduced by once a week and it was almost disappeared in 3 months, The partial seizures of neck back usually happened during day time never happened again that seriously but improved to the level of eye-back. At the same time, the boy's cognitive development had been improved enough to be able to process learning normally, the regressed language development also had been started to be progress. The amount of Lamictal taken was much lower than recommended considering boy's weight. With this small amount of Lamictal dosage, the patient condition was improved dramatically. Now. the hospital declared that LGS they originally diagnosed was misdiagnosis. Since then the patient's cognitive development has been steadily improved so that the parents expect to send him normal school. However, seizures were maintained repeating being better and worse. Parents were asked to discontinue anticonvulsant but we strongly encouraged to take together. Even though it is not going to be happen just quickly, the boy's brain development processes gradually for sure, we continued to treat him by our herbal treatment with anticonvulsant simultaneously for two years by now.We have to keep our eyes on him how much can be improved more, As our treatment is not only by using anticonvulsant but to induce eventual brain development, and the patients is in a prosperous period of growth, we highly expect more improvement. However, we consider even the current state is already surprising effect against Lennox Gastaut syndrome. He is able to do normal daily life, with normal cognitive development and slight tonic spasm only. In case of major LGS, there is no treatment at all so far in ordinary hospital and LGS is giving up area. However, now with herbal treatment, it has opened the possibility of new therapeutic. We, therefore, report this case as a medically significant winning though treatment is still on going. In the case of intractable epilepsy, we have several cases proving remarkable therapeutic effect when we treat patients herbal treatment together with anticonvulsant than we only apply herbal treatment. We hope to more aggressively find ways of combined treatment program, herbal treatment and anticonvulsant, |